Organized activities

Faucon Trouve Inc. has only one mandate – to interview and rigorously screen qualified, single candidates from across Quebec. The activities pane only serves to promote the Agency.  The calendar enables singles to consult activities from organisers, of quality, selected by our agency.  On the other hand, we invite participants to be careful because these external agencies cannot screen and know the true intentions of each person as our agency does via our selection methods.

Selected activity:
Speed dating virtuel des Entremetteurs (Ville de Québec et environ)
Organized by Les Entremetteurs
Saturday, December 19 2020
Saviez-vous qu’il suffit de seulement 27 seconds pour avoir une bonne idée si on est compatible avec quelqu’un ?

Durant ces temps difficiles, nous allons utiliser ce concept pour vous permettre de faire des rencontres sécuritaires dans le confort de votre foyer.
Click here for the online subscription
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We are not specialized in the activities. This site only allows singles to have quick access to the proposed activities and direct them toward consolidation as we considered quality.

The ones, who do not particularly like the activities, time-poor or really want to meet a serious person can do so by clicking here.