Who is Faucon Trouve ?
The custom number 1 agency in Quebec. With an excellent reputation, with around 30,000 members, all filtered by interview. Our professional move no extra cost. No time wasted, everything is true, photographs, criteria, intentions, everything. We guarantee a high success rate with our eligibility requirements.

We skim, search and find for you
Faucon Trouve, how does it work?

We contact
One of our professionals will contact you within 24 hours to confirm the seriousness of your application and if you meet the eligibity requirements

A personal interview (approximately 1 hour) with one of our professionals, from your area, will take place home, either at your home, a public location near you or an office.

Efficient, safe
and confidential
Within 72 hours of completing the interview, we will suggest a candidate to you based on your identified criteria.
choose Faucon Trouve
When you have chosen your career, you certainly have nothing left to chance. When you needed to consult experts (real estate, financial, etc) you probably have not let fate make the choice for you.
When we meet someone by chance, physical energy often mask our real needs. Our emotional life is as or more important than any other need. Here, we bring together people compatible with you and then you decide if you like physically. Our success rate is very high. Both people must validate if the profiles and photos of their appeal before accepting a telephone exchange.